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Coffee during pregnancy. Is it allowed to drink coffee during pregnancy?


4 min. Reading time

Drinking coffee during pregnancy has been a controversial topic for years. Doctors’ opinions on the matter are highly divided. However, it has been proven that coffee is allowed during pregnancy as long as no more than two cups per day are consumed. A higher amount of caffeine can lead to a miscarriage. A substitute for caffeinated coffee can be grain coffee and other stimulating drinks. These, too, are subject to restrictions during pregnancy.

Coffee during pregnancy is a daily ritual for many expectant mothers that they don’t want to give up, which is why this question often arises during one of the first visits to the gynecologist. Clinical studies have shown that 300 mg of caffeine is the maximum daily dose that expectant mothers can have. It has been unanimously agreed that this amount is safe for the child both in the womb and later while breastfeeding. Is this really the case? What drinks can you have instead of coffee?

Why does coffee and the caffeine it contains have such positive effects?

Many people believe that coffee is simply delicious and stimulates the body, which is why they can’t imagine starting their day without a delicious cappuccino or espresso. It is widely believed that coffee increases concentration, improves mood, and sharpens reflexes. Caffeine also speeds up metabolism, fights free radicals, and increases heart rate. Unfortunately, caffeine also has downsides. It makes it harder to absorb minerals like calcium and iron, which can be particularly problematic for pregnant women.

Pregnancy and coffee consumption

Drinking coffee during pregnancy is not forbidden, although doctors’ opinions on this matter are divided. Clinical studies have shown that a pregnant woman should not consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. How much coffee can you drink during pregnancy, and which coffee is suitable? About two cups of coffee per day is safe. It doesn’t matter what kind of coffee it is. The key is moderation when drinking coffee during pregnancy. Excessive caffeine can have tragic consequences. It is one of the causes of miscarriages and developmental disorders in the child.

Grain coffee is very popular with expectant mothers. It is 100% safe for the baby. It is a caffeine-free drink, which is why it doesn’t have the same effect as regular coffee. However, for low blood pressure, caffeinated coffee is recommended. Grain coffee can be consumed without restrictions. It contains soluble fiber that promotes bowel movement. It helps with constipation, which many pregnant women struggle with. The antioxidants in it limit the effect of free radicals. Additionally, it provides phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, all of which are crucial during pregnancy.

What can you drink instead of coffee during pregnancy?

Green tea has similar properties to coffee. The stimulating effect of green tea even lasts longer than that of a popular small black cup. It is an alternative for women who love coffee and have to give it up during pregnancy. Unfortunately, green tea consumption is also subject to restrictions. The maximum amount is only two cups per day. A higher amount of this drink can interfere with the absorption of folic acid, which is very important during pregnancy. A sufficient amount of folic acid in the expectant mother’s body is essential for the baby’s healthy development.

Drinking coffee while breastfeeding

Drinking coffee while breastfeeding is just as safe as drinking coffee during pregnancy. However, you must be moderate, just like before the birth. The baby cannot break down caffeine from the body, which is why it accumulates in its tissues. Too much caffeine can cause the baby to have stomach pains or restlessness. As a result, both mother and baby may have sleepless nights. Stimulation is not beneficial for the baby. In the first few months of life, the baby needs a lot of sleep.

The caffeine content in coffee, however, is not always the same. Mothers who drink coffee while breastfeeding should pay attention to the packaging and check the caffeine content in one cup of the beverage. They should also remember that caffeine is also present in food. In which foods?

Caffeine is found in:

  • Chocolate – bars
  • Sweet cocoa
  • Coffee ice cream and coffee-flavored yogurt
  • Energy drinks
  • Some soft drinks
  • Tea
  • Hot chocolate
  • Pain relievers

Some foods contain up to 130 mg of caffeine per serving, which is why every pregnant woman should read the labels carefully. Given that some expectant mothers have a preference for sweets, the daily limit can be exceeded very quickly.

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