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Pregnancy calendar
16th week of pregnancy – how is the baby developing? Well-being of the expectant mother
The 16th week of pregnancy is the time when the baby is very active. However, his mother does not yet feel the movements of the baby. Although this is one of the most anticipated moments of pregnancy, you still need to be patient. Very often at this stage parents find out the sex of their baby. The period around the 16th week of pregnancy is sometimes called the “pregnancy honeymoon” by many mothers. It is associated with a really good mood, an increase in energy and the disappearance of the complaints characteristic of the first trimester. If there are no contraindications, the pregnant woman does not have to give up any activities – she can continue to work or engage in regular physical activity (adapted to her condition). However, you should not forget about rest and healthy sleep. 16th week of pregnancy – what month is it? Although gestational age is usually expressed in weeks, it is useful to know which month the 16th week of pregnancy falls on. This information can be useful in different situations. Remember that this is the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy and also the end of the 4th month. This means that the halfway point will soon be reached. Baby at 16 weeks of pregnancy The weight of the baby in the 16th week of pregnancy is already over 80 grams, and its length, measured from the top of the head to the buttocks, is over 11 centimeters. The baby is growing very fast. His body proportions are also changing, so that eventually he begins to resemble a small newborn. Its skin is still very thin and covered with fur (lanugo). It lacks the subcutaneous fat that will develop in a few weeks. It uses every moment to exercise its locomotor system: It wiggles its arms and legs, turns and wriggles. The baby’s movements are not yet noticeable to the mother. You have to wait a few weeks for them.When an ultrasound scan (USG) is performed at 16 weeks of pregnancy, it is quite possible that the expectant parents will learn the sex of their baby. Also remember that at this time the little one hears sounds coming from outside. He especially likes his mother’s voice. Play him lullabies or quiet music. Feelings of the mother in the 16th week of pregnancy The mood of the mother in the 16th week of pregnancy is usually very good. Morning sickness and excessive sleepiness have disappeared. The belly in the 16th week of pregnancy is already much larger and rounder, so a change of wardrobe becomes necessary.Some women may experience unpleasant pregnancy symptoms. The most common symptoms in the 16th week of pregnancy are: Heartburn, constipation, hot flashes, weak gums, back pain, problems with concentration. However, as a rule, they are not too serious, so the future mother in the 16th week of pregnancy can fully enjoy the time of waiting for the baby. Well-being in the 16th week of pregnancy? Despite the fact that in the 16th week of pregnancy the mother has a lot of energy, she should remember to rest. Light physical exercises are recommended, which not only reduce back pain, but also help prepare the body for childbirth. About what activity is safe, it is worth asking your doctor.The future mother should also pay attention to her diet. It is good to include in the diet products rich in calcium, because during this period the baby’s bones are strengthened. Therefore, it is worth eating more dairy products, as well as almonds, white beans, tofu, spinach, arugula and kale. Your diet should be tailored to your body’s needs.At 16 weeks of pregnancy, it is worth considering enrolling in a childbirth preparation class. These are classes led by a midwife. They take the form of lectures and exercises. Among other things, the future mother learns how to breathe properly during labor and how to care for a newborn. You can go to antenatal classes with the baby’s father or another close person (for example, mother or a friend).Read more -
4th week of pregnancy – what happens in the body of mother and child?
The fourth week of pregnancy is the moment when you can already observe the first signs that you are becoming a mother. Some of these signs can be very noticeable. You will have several weeks to prepare yourself physically and mentally for your new task. See what happens to you and your baby in the 4th week of pregnancy.Read more -
Pregnancy calendar: 12th week of pregnancy. How is the baby developing?
The 12th week of pregnancy is the moment when the future mother starts to feel much better. It’s all thanks to the stabilisation of hormone levels, and so the pregnancy discomforts disappear. It is also the right time for an ultrasound examination to assess the baby’s body structure.Read more -
3rd week of pregnancy – the baby’s development and the mother’s well-being
The first 3 weeks of pregnancy are the time when you do not yet know that you will soon become a mother. However, amazing things are already happening in your body. Your goal is to prepare it for the baby’s intensive development and the birth. Find out how the 3rd week of pregnancy goes and what you should be aware of.Read more -
The 13th week of pregnancy – the development of the baby and the well-being of the mother.
In the 13th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is accompanied by a significant increase in energy and positive mood. Many women believe that this is the moment when the best time of waiting for the offspring begins. It is worth using it to build a bond with the little one, but also to prepare your body for childbirth.Read more -
2nd week of pregnancy – what happens in the mother-to-be’s body?
The second week of pregnancy is one of the most important moments of pregnancy. At this time ovulation takes place and the egg is ready to join with the sperm. If all goes well, the embryo will nest in the uterus in a few days and you will notice the first symptoms of pregnancy. Pay special attention to your health in the 2nd week.Read more
Illnesses during pregnancy
Headaches in pregnancy – how to deal with them
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Cytomegalovirus Infection – what is the risk during pregnancy?
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Intrauterine transfusion
Modern foetal and maternal medicine is developing intensively. It is possible to carry out procedures on children who are still in the uterine cavity. Intrauterine transfusion is one such procedure. It is one way of treating a serological conflict or anaemia caused by a parvovirus infection. How does this treatment work?Read more -
Iron deficiency during pregnancy
Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia during pregnancy. Many expectant mothers have to take iron supplements during pregnancy. What are the symptoms of iron deficiency during pregnancy and how is it treated?Read more -
Shortening of the cervix
The shortening of the cervix is one of the symptoms that physiologically occur before labour. However, it sometimes happens that the cervix shortens too early, which can lead to premature labour. What are the symptoms of a shortening cervix?Read more -
Calf cramps during pregnancy – where do they come from?
Pregnancy is a time when many different types of discomfort can occur. For some pregnant women they make everyday life a misery, for others they are practically non-existent. One symptom that many mums-to-be complain about is unpleasant calf cramps during pregnancy. Why do they occur and how can they be treated?Read more
Pregnancy information
Coffee during pregnancy. Is it allowed to drink coffee during pregnancy?
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Menstruation during pregnancy – Is it possible?
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Folic acid during pregnancy – why and how to take it
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Social freezing: the opportunity for future family planning
At a time when life planning is becoming increasingly flexible and personal priorities can change in many ways, the concept of social freezing is becoming increasingly important. Especially for women who do not want to tie their desire to have children to a specific stage in their lives, this technique offers a promising opportunity to preserve their own fertility and postpone family planning to a later date. FamiCord Suisse spoke to the 360° Kinderwunsch Zentrum Zürich about this exciting topic.At a time when life planning is becoming increasingly flexible and personal priorities can change in many ways, the concept of social freezing is becoming increasingly important. Especially for women who do not want to tie their desire to have children to a specific stage in their lives, this technique offers a promising opportunity to preserve their own fertility and postpone family planning to a later date. FamiCord Suisse spoke to the 360° Kinderwunsch Zentrum Zürich about this exciting topic.Read more -
Sore throat during pregnancy
A sore throat is a relatively common condition that also affects pregnant women. However, not all commercially available medicines can be used safely during this unusual time. For this reason, expectant mothers are looking for home remedies for a sore throat during pregnancy. Find out when you need to see a doctor and what the most common causes of a sore throat are.Read more -
Intimate infections during pregnancy
Many expectant mothers struggle with the annoying symptoms of intimate infections during pregnancy. Untreated infections can lead to complications. It is therefore important that a pregnant woman visits her GP if she experiences any worrying symptoms. What are the symptoms of genital infections and how are they treated?Read more
Lidia’s story – Stem cell therapy for cerebellar spinocerebellar ataxia
Lidia was born prematurely at 29 weeks gestation. In her first year of life, the girl was diagnosed with spinal-cerebellar ataxia and Hirschsprung’s disease. Spinal-cerebellar ataxia is a rare neurological disorder characterised, among other things, by difficulties in motor coordination. Hirschsprung’s disease is a rare, congenital disorder of intestinal innervation that is genetically determined.Read more -
Umbilical cord blood saves girl with severe pulmonary hypertension
Stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood are used as standard treatment for 80 diseases. In recent years, there have been new reports about the use of these cells for additional diseases. Doctors in Germany successfully used them to treat pulmonary hypertension in a 3-year-old girl. Pulmonary hypertension – what is it? Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is currently an incurable disease. It leads to death within about five to seven years after diagnosis. The disease is named for the increased pressure in the pulmonary vessels and can lead to overload and failure of the right side of the heart. The causes of pulmonary hypertension can vary, but all patients struggle with shortness of breath or severely limited mobility, among other symptoms. For this reason, researchers are constantly looking for new ways and therapies to extend the lives of people with pulmonary hypertension and improve their comfort. Stem cells and pulmonary hypertension Doctors in Germany have announced the first success in treating pulmonary hypertension with cells from umbilical cord blood (HUCMSC – human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell). The patient was a three-year-old girl suffering from PAH and Rendu-Osler-Weber disease who was intravenously injected with allogeneic stem cells from her baby brother’s umbilical cord blood. The injections were performed five times over a six-month period. The girl’s clinical condition was assessed after two and six months. Not only were there no side effects, but there was also an increase in exercise tolerance and an improvement in cardiovascular parameters. Before the stem cell infusion, the girl suffered from growth disorders and weight gain. After the first infusion she started to grow – in three months she grew 10 cm. Moreover, the girl is now six years old and feels well. According to the researchers, the regeneration of the vascular system damaged by the disease, as well as the significant alleviation of cellular damage, are responsible for the improvement due to cord blood stem cell therapy. The study reports, among other things, the role of the prostaglandin PGE2, which may play a key role in the regenerative and immunomodulatory abilities of cord blood stem cells. The researchers unanimously emphasize that further research should be conducted and that additional opportunities and uses for cord blood-derived stem cells should be actively sought. Bibliography: https://www.aabb.org/news-resources/news/article/2022/07/13/cord-blood-derived-stem-cells-may-help-treat-pulmonary-hypertension https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053249822018472 https://www.nature.com/articles/s44161-022-00083-zRead more -
Stem cell treatment for infertility
Infertility is a problem that affects about 15% of couples worldwide. For this reason, specialists from all over the world are constantly looking for new treatment options. One possibility seems to be the use of stem cells in therapy. Infertility problem The term “infertility” refers to the inability to become pregnant with regular sexual intercourse for at least one year (with some exceptions) without the use of contraceptives. The problem of infertility is very real today. Interestingly, the percentage of each type of infertility, i.e. male, female and idiopathic, is almost identical and is about 30% in each case. Although the clear causes for the increasingly frequent problems in childbearing are not known, many experts see air pollution and the high level of food processing as the cause of this phenomenon. Drugs used in chemotherapy for cancer treatment, for example, are also sometimes the cause of infertility. Despite the methods available to treat infertility and assisted reproductive techniques, many couples cannot wait to have children. Use of stem cells in the treatment of infertility In the context of infertility studies, scientists have wondered why females of certain species remain fertile throughout their lives, even though every woman reaches menopause at some point in her life. According to previous knowledge, each woman is born with a limited number of eggs that are no longer produced during her lifetime, but only “mature” into a fertilisable egg. Studies on mice have shown that the ovaries of females of this species contain stem cells from which eggs are constantly produced. Since these are constantly produced by the mouse body, the mouse remains fertile throughout its life. It was therefore suspected that similar cells (so-called germ cells) could also be found in the ovaries of women. With the help of very specific markers that bind to proteins found only on the surface of stem cells, it was possible to prove that they are also present in the ovaries of women. This discovery has led to new attempts to treat female infertility and to “stimulate” the production of new, fertilisable eggs with the help of stem cells. In addition, stem cells can also help women who suffer from scarring (atrophy) of the lining of the uterus, which prevents proper implantation of the embryo and contributes to infertility.Research into the use of stem cells in the treatment of infertility is being conducted by Dr Jaroslaw Kaczynski, a gynaecologist and endocrinologist, among others. As part of a research grant, he injected stem cells from the umbilical cord into the ovaries of 4 women struggling with infertility. Two of them became pregnant after a single injection of the cells. Although this research still needs to be studied in depth, it is very promising and could soon set a new trend in infertility treatment. Stem cells are also being researched in the treatment of male infertility. Here, too, experts have achieved considerable success in converting stem cells into male germ cells. Where else are stem cells used? By preserving your cord blood and cord, you have the opportunity to treat diseases that may affect your child or his or her siblings. For some diseases (e.g. leukaemia), preserving cord blood can significantly speed up treatment; for others, it may be the only chance of improving health. This is because umbilical cord blood and cord are rich in stem cells that build up the body and repair damaged cells and tissues. Stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood are currently used to treat cerebral palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, leukaemia and lymphoma. In addition, the cord blood can also be used to treat other family members if it is compatible. The material, the umbilical cord blood of the child, would be disposed of without the collection, so it is a kind of safeguard for the whole family. Stem cell treatment is still relatively new. For this reason, the list of diseases that can potentially be treated with stem cells in the future is growing.Read more -
Stem cells from umbilical cord blood cured HIV-infected patient
The news that a woman from the United States has become the third person in the world to be cured of HIV infection recently made the rounds. A disease that was previously considered incurable can be successfully treated with stem cells from umbilical cord blood. This is a great hope for both patients and researchers. . Current treatment of patients with HIV When HIV infection is detected, antiretroviral drugs are administered to the patient. HAART therapy is necessary for life, as it prevents viral replication and significantly slows the progression of the disease to full acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It also allows the immune system to rebuild and reduces the number of complications associated with the development of the disease. Unfortunately, the drugs used carry the risk of side effects and drug resistance. They also do not guarantee a cure. For this reason, researchers are still looking for a way to completely rid the person’s body of the HIV virus and stop taking antiretroviral drugs. Why were stem cells transplanted in HIV patients? Stem cells were transplanted in both the earlier patients who were cured of HIV infection and the last patient because all three patients had cancer. In the last case, the patient was battling acute myeloid leukemia. Since it was difficult to find a bone marrow donor, it was decided to transplant stem cells from umbilical cord blood. After the transplant, immune antibodies began to be produced, and the HIV virus could no longer attack them and reproduce. This stopped the progression of the disease and eliminated the need for antiretroviral drugs. Stem cells from umbilical cord blood as hope for HIV patients The target cells in the human body for HIV include those that contain the CD4 receptors necessary for infection and the CCR5 coreceptors. The cure in all three cases is due to a mutation in the CCR5 gene, which “protects” against HIV infection. Both the cells transplanted into the American woman and the earlier patients contained this mutation, which results in a non-functional receptor. This prevents the HIV virus from attacking cells of the immune system, inhibiting its replication. Interestingly, this mutation is thought to be present in about 3% of the population, which means that this group of people is immune to HIV infection. What is the advantage of cells from umbilical cord blood over bone marrow? Two patients who have so far been cured of HIV infection have received stem cells from bone marrow. An American woman is the first person to be cured with cells from umbilical cord blood. Stem cells are present in bone marrow and umbilical cord blood, among other places. However, donors derived from cord blood have a lower risk of rejection and transplant complications due to their lower immunological maturity. In addition, their regenerative capacity is 10 times greater than that of bone marrow-derived cells. It also shortens the search for a donor, which, as in the case of the American woman described, can be very difficult because of race or origin. Because stem cells from umbilical cord blood are stored at very low temperatures, the risk of damage and aging is much lower than for cells from bone marrow. Whether stem cells from umbilical cord blood will become a widely used therapy for HIV-infected patients remains to be seen for the time being. What is certain is that the list of diseases for which stem cells can be used is growing. This, in turn, should dispel any doubts parents may have about collecting umbilical cord blood and storing their child’s stem cells. Birth is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Read more -
Vermehrung von Nabelschnurblut-Stammzellen als neue Hoffnung für Krebspatienten
Umbilical cord blood stem cells have been used in medicine for over 30 years to treat more than 80 different diseases such as leukemias, lymphomas and sickle cell anemia. In the field of regenerative medicine, the use of umbilical cord blood stem cells has also been shown to provide clinical benefits to patients. Because of its limitations, cord blood has been used more frequently in pediatric patients than in adults. However, the results of recent clinical trials show that the increased cord blood stem cells can also be successfully transplanted in adult patients. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are the hope of 21st century medicine. Currently, more than 3,000 studies are underway worldwide in various fields to explore the potential of stem cells. The results of a study on the use of augmented cord blood stem cells in the treatment of patients with blood cancers, published last week, show that cord blood stem cells grown in the laboratory and transplanted into patients are of significant clinical benefit. Omidubicel is the name of a preparation of hematopoietic cells from one unit of umbilical cord blood that have been propagated under laboratory conditions. A clinical trial evaluated its effectiveness compared with standard cord blood stem cell transplantation. The study lasted from January 2015 to January 2020 and included 125 patients aged 13 to 65 with blood cancers. Patients who received omidubicel achieved adequate white blood cell recovery 10 days earlier than patients who underwent standard therapy. They also had faster platelet recovery [up to 42 days vs. 90 days], a lower incidence of bacterial or invasive fungal infections (37% vs. 57%), and spent more time out of the hospital in the first 100 days after transplantation than patients in the control group. The proliferation of hematopoietic cells was the Holy Grail of hematology – an idea that, despite many attempts over decades, no one was able to realize. The results of this study show that the point has been reached where the number of cells no longer matters. Even more – the increased cells from cord blood can regenerate the hematopoietic system faster after transplantation. This could mean a wider introduction of this type of methods into clinical practice – says Emilian Snarski, MD, Medical Director of FamiCord Group. This is another study that shows the possibility of propagation of hematopoietic cells from cord blood and their effective use in the treatment of blood cancers. Thanks to such methods of proliferation of hematopoietic cells from cord blood, cord blood can be effectively used even if the number of collected cells was relatively small. Link to the abstractRead more