Nausea is a common phenomenon during pregnancy. Going to the toilet in the morning is almost part of everyday life for most pregnant women. The unpleasant symptoms are due to the pregnancy hormone chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced in the woman’s body a few days after conception. Nausea during pregnancy can be alleviated with plant-based preparations.
In some women, nausea can disrupt the course of the pregnancy. The constant regurgitation of food can lead to dehydration, necessitating hospitalisation. Adequate fluid intake can prevent malnutrition in the baby, so the expectant mother should drink plenty of fluids despite nausea. Nausea in pregnancy occurs in most first-time mothers and women with multiple pregnancies.
When does nausea occur during pregnancy and what causes it?
Nausea during pregnancy usually starts right at the beginning of pregnancy, i.e. in the first trimester. This is when the amount of the pregnancy hormone chorionic gonadotropin is at its highest in a woman’s body.
The hormone is produced a few days after conception and increases until the end of the first trimester. A high level of chorionic gonadotropin not only determines the normal development of the pregnancy, but is also the cause of the slowing down of the digestive system and the expectant mother’s sensitivity to odours. The causes of nausea therefore lie in the hormonal changes in the woman’s body.
Nausea during pregnancy also has a psychosomatic basis. It is caused by tiredness, pregnancy-related emotions and later also by difficulties in everyday life. There are many women who cannot cope with pregnancy symptoms and are consumed by stress, which leads to a defence reaction of the body, namely nausea. Some women suffer from morning sickness only, while others struggle with pregnancy nausea throughout the day.
The absence of nausea during pregnancy does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with the baby. Much depends on the woman’s body. The complete absence of all pregnancy symptoms can be a cause for concern.
How long does nausea last during pregnancy?
Although it is known when nausea starts during pregnancy, it is not easy to know when it is over. Pregnancy nausea usually starts between the 4th and 7th week of pregnancy, when pregnancy hormones start to surge. It should stop around the 14th week, but for many women it lasts until the 22nd week of pregnancy and beyond. It can be caused by fear of the impending birth or stress and the associated fear of motherhood. For this reason, some mothers suffer from nausea in the 9th month of pregnancy.
Persistent nausea can be an indication for hospitalisation. This phenomenon is known as uncontrolled vomiting during pregnancy. Constant vomiting leads to electrolyte imbalances and rehydration drops are necessary.
What helps with nausea during pregnancy?
Unpleasant symptoms are a annoyance for pregnant women because they don’t know what they can use to combat nausea during pregnancy. Every method seems inappropriate to them. Pregnant women are not allowed to use antiemetics available in pharmacies unless they are recommended by the doctor treating them and their use is authorised without restriction. This leaves expectant mothers with only the tried and tested remedies.
What helps with nausea during pregnancy?
- Eat before you get out of bed
- Drink plenty of fluids during the day to avoid dehydration
- Avoid fried or strongly flavoured foods
- Avoid foods with an irritant effect
- Supplement with vitamin B6
- Oral hygiene – brushing your teeth helps to alleviate nausea during pregnancy. In some mothers, the vomiting reflex is triggered by a metallic taste in the mouth
- Reduce stress to a minimum
- Relaxation massages
- Acupuncture
You can use herbs to prevent nausea during pregnancy. Ginger has antiemetic and stomach-soothing properties. An infusion of ginger with honey helps to control nausea. Spice shops and pharmacies offer ginger sweets or ginger express tea for brewing. More creative mums can bake ginger biscuits. These are a good snack before getting up.
Plenty of rest is also a solution. Women who suffer from nausea during pregnancy are very weakened. They very often complain of headaches and faint easily.