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The 13th week of pregnancy – the development of the baby and the well-being of the mother.


4 min. Reading time

In the 13th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is accompanied by a significant increase in energy and positive mood. Many women believe that this is the moment when the best time of waiting for the offspring begins. It is worth using it to build a bond with the little one, but also to prepare your body for childbirth.

For many women, the abdomen is already rounded and slightly bulging in the 13th week of pregnancy. Your hips have also increased in size, so some of your clothes will no longer fit you. So it is worth thinking about a new wardrobe to feel comfortable in any situation. Breasts also often increase in size. However, we must remember that all changes in silhouette depend on individual characteristics of the body.

13th week of pregnancy – what month and trimester is it?

The 13th week of pregnancy is the 4th month and the beginning of the 2nd trimester. It means that the phase of rapid changes in the body of the future mother is over. The baby’s internal organs have also formed. The risk of miscarriage in the 13th week of pregnancy decreases significantly. This is due to the placenta, which takes over the production of pregnancy hormones.

How does a mother feel at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

In the 13th week of pregnancy, most women feel very well. The unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy have disappeared and the belly is not yet so big that it makes everyday activities difficult. Walking and certain sports activities are allowed. However, the workout should not be too intense. It is advisable to consult your doctor if you want to start. Physical activity during pregnancy helps the body adapt to the changes taking place.

A woman in the 13th week of pregnancy may notice an increased appetite as well as cravings for certain types of products. It should be remembered that the diet should be rational. It is a myth that a pregnant woman eats for two. The body’s energy needs only increase by about 300 calories in the second trimester.

In the 13th week of pregnancy, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Constipation
  • heartburn
  • back pain
  • dizziness

What does the baby look like at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby at 13 weeks of pregnancy measures about 7 centimeters. Its weight is more than 20 grams. The internal organs are developing, but they do not yet perform their function. Thanks to the fact that the baby swallows the amniotic fluid, the kidneys and digestive system begin to work.

The baby’s head in the 13th week of pregnancy is disproportionately large compared to the rest of the body. Ears, nose and eyelids have already developed. Facial expressions also appear. The baby not only opens and closes its mouth, but can also yawn, frown and even suck its thumb.

The baby in the 13th week of pregnancy moves a lot. This is possible thanks to the fully developed limbs and developing muscles. The infant bends and stretches its arms and legs and also turns around. This sometimes makes it difficult to perform an ultrasound examination. Nevertheless, the baby’s movements are not yet noticeable to the mother in the 13th week of pregnancy.

The 13th week of pregnancy and the sex of the baby

Although the genitals are already forming, the sex of the baby cannot yet be determined in the 13th week of pregnancy. The baby is too small to see its detailed anatomical structure by ultrasound examination. Even if the doctor manages to see it, the accuracy of such observations is estimated at less than 50%. Most expectant parents learn the sex of their baby between the 20th and 22nd week of pregnancy.

Prenatal ultrasound at the 13th week of pregnancy

The 13th week of pregnancy is the right time to visit your doctor for a prenatal ultrasound. This is an examination that is performed with an abdominal probe. The doctor will take a close look at your baby and assess the structure of the head, trunk, limbs and internal organs. The baby’s movements will also be observed and nuchal translucency will be measured. Prenatal ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy is used to estimate the risk of developmental and anatomical malformations. Its abnormal result is an indication for further testing.



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