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How to check cervical dilation at home


2 min. Reading time

Dilation is an essential part of natural birth. The progress of the birth is determined, among other things, by the dilation of the cervix. Many women wonder when they should go to hospital and whether it is possible to check the dilation at home.

Is it possible to check the dilatation yourself at home?

The gynaecological examination should be carried out by personnel trained for this purpose. Experts agree: It is not possible to check the dilation of the cervix yourself at home. To determine it, the doctor’s experience and a thorough examination are needed, which is often unpleasant for the woman, especially during childbirth. For this reason, the patient is not able to correctly assess the dilation herself.

When should you go to hospital?

Once labour has started, immediate hospitalisation is not necessary. Of course, there are exceptions, such as the leakage of green amniotic fluid or bleeding from the genital tract. If, on the other hand, the expectant mother feels comfortable, safe and carefree, she can wait at home until regular contractions occur about every 10 minutes. A lot also depends on the type of birth. It is known that successive births are faster than previous ones.


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Symptoms of cervical dilation

The dilatation of the cervix is part of the first stage of labour. The cervix must first shorten sufficiently and then begins to dilate. A dilation of 10 centimetres, which is called full dilation, is considered the beginning of the second stage of labour when labour starts.

Symptoms of cervical dilation include pain and cramping. Some women then experience nausea or vomiting. Diarrhoea may also occur.

Closed cervix and childbirth

Sometimes it happens that the cervix is not sufficiently prepared, although 40 weeks of pregnancy have already passed. In this situation, a medical intervention in the form of a so-called preparation for labour is necessary. This can be done with a Foley catheter and the administration of prostaglandins. Some doctors also perform a cervical massage to induce dilation of the cervix.

There are also so-called home remedies for dilating the cervix. These include sexual intercourse, nipple stimulation or eating spicy foods. However, if the birth does not start on its own, a visit to the hospital and induction under specialist care is advisable.


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