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Is it advisable to ride a bicycle during pregnancy?


3 min. Reading time

Physical activity is a very important element during pregnancy. Expectant mothers often wonder which sport to choose and which sports are contraindicated during pregnancy. Find out if it is possible to ride a bike during pregnancy.

When is it okay to bike during pregnancy?

Cycling is very popular among many of us. It is an activity that does not require any special skills or equipment and is therefore accessible to practically everyone. Even before pregnancy, many women use their bikes regularly for weekend trips or, for example, for the daily commute to work. However, when it comes to the period of pregnancy, which is a special phase in a woman’s life, the issue of cycling is not entirely clear. Of course, regular physical activity is one of the basic elements of self-care during pregnancy, along with a healthy and balanced diet. However, experts point out that women in advanced pregnancy should not ride a bicycle, and often this limit is already postponed to the beginning of the second trimester. It is recognized that women can ride bicycles in early pregnancy because the abdomen is still small and therefore there is less risk of injury. Nevertheless, many doctors or trainers advise switching to another, safer activity during pregnancy.


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Contraindications to cycling during pregnancy

Cycling is not recommended for pregnant women mainly because of the risk of injury. However, there are also absolute contraindications, where the expectant mother is not only not allowed to ride a bike, but usually not allowed to do any other sports or activities. These contraindications include:

  • High-risk pregnancies
  • shortened cervix
  • threat of premature birth
  • placenta previa.

There are also other contraindications, so before starting any physical activity during pregnancy, it is advisable to ask your gynecologist if it poses a risk to the proper course of pregnancy.

Recommended sports for pregnant women

Physical activity during pregnancy depends largely on how active and athletic a woman was before pregnancy. If the expectant mother was regularly involved in competitive sports, different rules apply to her than to a pregnant woman who was not particularly active in sports before pregnancy. As a general rule, you should not start regular physical activity in the first trimester if you have not done much before. Daily walks or stretching exercises are advisable. It is a good idea to participate in group classes for pregnant women. Many pregnant women also choose to go to the swimming pool. It is advisable to ask the attending physician for permission before starting this type of activity and to check if there are any contraindications. It is very important to avoid sports where there is a risk of injury. These include martial arts, skiing and team games.



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