Stretch marks, or skin changes that resemble narrow red scars running vertically, are a common phenomenon that usually appears in the second trimester of pregnancy on the belly, breasts, and thighs, and every expectant mother wants to avoid them. To prevent them, it’s important to pay attention to skincare, among other things.
Hormonal changes favor the occurrence of stretch marks. Sometimes, scars are unavoidable, but their visibility can be influenced. A good cream for stretch marks during pregnancy can be effective but must be applied regularly and correctly. Physical activity and the expectant mother’s diet also play a significant role.
Stretch marks during pregnancy – Causes
Stretch marks in pregnancy resemble those that occur during rapid growth in adolescence, among people who are intensively working to increase muscle mass, in cases of weight gain due to eating disorders or unhealthy diets, and after cosmetic procedures such as breast implants. The first stretch marks during pregnancy usually manifest as itchy skin in the second trimester. As they develop, they appear as red or white, vertical, sunk or raised lines with irregular edges, which can occur either side by side or at larger intervals. Stretch marks form in the dermis and are most common in the belly, breasts, thighs, and hips. The formation of scars is mainly due to the decreased stretchability of fibroblasts, the cells that produce collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. The pressure on the skin caused by the growing belly or breasts, which do not grow fast enough, causes the skin to tear, leaving scars behind. In addition to hormonal factors, genetic predispositions also play a role in the formation of stretch marks. Their occurrence cannot be predicted, but with proper skincare starting early in pregnancy, especially in areas prone to stretch marks, their visibility can be reduced to some extent.
How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy
The collagen fibers that are resistant to stretching become weaker due to cortisol, and when body volume increases, they tear, leading to stretch marks. Sometimes, it is not possible to completely avoid scars, but there are some solutions to reduce the risk of their occurrence, including:
- Skincare – A special stretch mark cream for pregnancy based on natural ingredients like cocoa butter and plant oils and extracts, enriched with vitamin E and collagen, promotes collagen and elastin production, improving skin elasticity. This cream should be applied regularly in circular, slow motions.
- Massage – This is one of the most effective preventive measures. It should be performed with a stroking technique, not only on the stretch marks but also on other body areas. A stretch mark oil for pregnancy with neutral, safe content is recommended for the massage. The oil not only facilitates the massage but also contributes to relaxation, as essential substances are released through the warming of the skin under the hands of the masseur.
- Diet and Weight Control – Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, but it can be done in a healthy and conscious way. A balanced pregnancy diet and avoiding the “eating for two” mentality are important. Stretch marks during pregnancy may be less visible if the weight increases by a safe 10–15 kg. A gradual weight gain over the 9 months reduces the risk of scars.
- Physical Activity – Swimming, walking, yoga, etc.
What helps against stretch marks during pregnancy?
If stretch marks appear during pregnancy, it’s not too late to treat them or reduce their visibility. It’s worth buying a good stretch mark cream for pregnancy and massaging the scars. A water jet massage, such as under the shower, is also essential. A treatment with a sponge soaked in stretch mark oil can be done as well. Thighs, buttocks, and hips can be massaged intensively, while the belly should only be massaged gently. Stretch marks on the breasts during pregnancy should also not be overstimulated. The nipple area should be avoided. It’s also important to pay attention to a diet rich in zinc, which supports skin health.