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Blue cheese during pregnancy


2 min. Reading time

Blue cheese has many fans because of its taste. It is an ingredient in many dishes and can also be enjoyed as a meal on its own. Pregnant women, however, should enjoy blue cheese with caution. Why actually?

Blue cheese during pregnancy – are they safe?

A pregnant woman should pay special attention to the products she consumes. On the list of things that are “forbidden” during pregnancy are mouldy and unpasteurised cheeses. As with other dairy products, a lack of pasteurisation can lead to the development of the dangerous bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. For this reason, consumption of unpasteurised blue cheese and other products is not recommended for expectant mothers. Pasteurised blue cheese, on the other hand, is considered relatively safe during pregnancy due to its heat treatment. To avoid accidental contamination, it is advisable to reach for products originally packaged and labelled as pasteurised if the expectant mother is craving blue cheese. The greatest risk of listeriosis is with so-called natural, homemade cheeses, where you cannot always be sure that pasteurisation has been carried out correctly. In addition, large factories and dairies have procedures in place to exclude the possible presence of listeria in their products.

Blue cheese during pregnancy – risk for the baby

Listeriosis is a bacterial foodborne illness. The most common source of infection is the consumption of products containing listeria, such as raw meat, unpasteurised cheese or seafood. Ice cream sold in food stands that do not meet health authority requirements can also be a source of infection.

The symptoms of listeriosis are mainly gastrointestinal. While the disease is harmless for the pregnant woman in most cases, the consumption of unpasteurised blue cheese by the expectant mother can have serious consequences for the baby. These include congenital infection leading to sepsis and, in the worst case, death of the baby. Treatment in case of confirmed listeriosis is based on administering appropriate antibiotic therapy.


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Prohibited foods during pregnancy

Besides products made from raw milk, raw meat, fish, seafood and raw eggs should not be consumed during pregnancy. All kinds of intoxicants are prohibited, including alcohol, even in small quantities. Smoked fish should also be avoided.


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