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The 37th week of pregnancy – preparations for delivery. What is characteristic for the baby during this time?


3 min. Reading time

The 37th week of pregnancy is a time of preparation for the upcoming birth. The expectant mother has to decide on the entire course of the birth. The birth can take place at any time, so it is a very busy time for pregnant women.

In principle, there are no contraindications to giving birth in the 37th week of pregnancy. At this stage, the pregnancy is considered complete, although it is clear that the longer the baby remains in the womb, the greater the benefits. The preparation time for the birth is also extended.

37 weeks pregnant – which month is it? Changes in a woman’s body

The 37th week of pregnancy is the 9th month and the middle of the 3rd trimester. This is the time when changes take place in the woman’s body to help her prepare for a safe birth. The uterus weakens, making it temporarily difficult to walk. You may also feel a slight stretching. The expectant mother will move less and lie down more. Lying on your left side will be the most comfortable position. This increases the blood supply to the placenta and reduces the feeling of heartburn, which is very common at this stage of pregnancy. 

Abdominal pain that occurs in the 37th week of pregnancy is not a reason to panic. It is the result of uterine contractions. The woman’s pubic symphysis is painful. Swelling may occur. The swelling is not dangerous and only causes discomfort. The expectant mother should focus on preparing herself to welcome her baby into the world.

The 37th week of pregnancy also marks the beginning of preterm labour. These are not contractions, although they can cause a false alarm. It is a sign that the woman is ready to give birth soon. They are usually not painful and their symptom is a tightening of the abdomen. Although it is only the 37th week of pregnancy, the birth is fast approaching.

37 weeks of pregnancy – baby’s weight and movements

Babies born in this week of pregnancy are not treated as premature babies. Their lungs are fully developed. They can breathe independently and function outside the womb. At this stage, most of the baby’s senses are developed and it is sensitive to its mother’s voice. Therefore, this sound has a calming effect on the baby shortly after birth.

In the 37th week of pregnancy, the baby’s weight approaches 3 kg. His movements start to become restricted because he has less and less space. The baby looks like a healthy, fully developed baby lying slowly with its head towards the birth canal. Even if this is not the case, the 37th week of pregnancy is the perfect opportunity for him to turn.

Preparation for birth in the 37th week of pregnancy

The 37th week of pregnancy is a very busy time for the expectant mother. She has to decide on the whole course of the birth.  She also has to do tests. These are a blood count, a general urinalysis and an ultrasound, which is ordered in the 37th week of pregnancy to determine the baby’s position and assess his health. He can suck his thumb, which can be seen in the picture. 

During these days, it is worth thinking about the type of delivery. It is also worth talking about anaesthesia during birth. It is administered to the spine. Not every pregnant woman accepts this form of pain relief.A water birth is very beneficial for the mother and the baby. 

In these last weeks it is also necessary to complete the baby equipment.



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