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27th week of pregnancy – what happens in the third trimester of pregnancy?


4 min. Reading time

In the 27th week of pregnancy, the fetus looks like a fully formed baby and already has hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. In addition, the baby already responds to various sounds and recognizes the mother's voice.

The 27th week of pregnancy is a time of very intense growth of the baby, which is noticeable in the mother’s abdomen, which becomes much rounder and has visible tension and stretch marks. The 27th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 7th month and thus the third trimester. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby’s weight is about 1 kilogram.  The theory about eating for two, although deeply rooted in society, is just a myth. Studies have shown that a pregnant woman needs to eat only 300 kcal more than before pregnancy.

The belly at 27 weeks of pregnancy

In the 27th week of pregnancy, the belly is already very visible and heavy, which makes the future mother feel a significant drop in energy and definitely get tired faster. Nevertheless, you should do light and controlled physical activity and try to spend a lot of time outdoors. In the 27th week of pregnancy, you can see in the ultrasound how the infant already sucks his thumb, because during this time the baby’s sucking reflex is formed. In the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby’s movements are already quite coordinated, it can open and close its eyes, and it also reacts to sounds (that is why it is better not to go to the cinema, for example, because the baby reacts very badly to loud noises). In the 27th week of pregnancy, the weight of the mother should be about 10 kilograms plus from the time of pregnancy. Many women overeat while carrying a baby under the heart, explaining their ravenous hunger with the need to eat for two people. It is worth knowing that this is not healthy for either the mother or the baby, as it can lead to high blood pressure or heart disease, making delivery much more difficult. In women who are in the 27th week of pregnancy, sometimes the first milk, colostrum, begins to come out of the breast. It is advisable to use nursing pads. It is not uncommon to have urinary urgency during this time, caused by the stretching of the muscles of the cervix.

Hormones at 27 weeks and twin pregnancy

During the 27th week of a twin pregnancy, the hormone profile in a woman’s body changes and she may often be distracted and have difficulty concentrating. During this time, it is better to let go of heavy housework and work challenges. A much better idea is to complete the baby equipment, read books, rest, learn breathing techniques during labor, and take long walks.

27 weeks pregnant – premature birth

Preterm births also occur at the beginning of the third trimester. In the 27th week of pregnancy, the greatest risk is prematurity – retinopathy – due to hypertension or diabetes. The retinal vessels are not fully developed in such a small child, which can lead to retinal detachment shortly after birth. The chance of a full recovery depends on the child’s health and the progression of the disease. The higher the birth weight of the newborn, the better the prognosis.

What tests at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

In the 27th week of pregnancy, urine and blood tests are standard. Especially important are the tests for glucose levels – a double determination. When a pregnant woman comes to the doctor, he takes a tube of blood before she drinks the glucose solution. She must then drink a sweet glucose solution and after two hours the blood is drawn a second time. It is important to test the level of anti-Rh antibodies in pregnant women with Rh- blood type during this period of pregnancy. Those ladies who tested negative for toxoplasmosis in the first trimester should be retested in the second trimester. In addition, a 3D ultrasound and cytological examination may be performed. Sometimes anti-D-globulin and immune antibodies are given from the 27th week of pregnancy.


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