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22nd week of pregnancy – what does the baby look like and how much does it weigh? How does the mother feel?


3 min. Reading time

This week of pregnancy is a time when the baby is still very busy, although there are increasingly frequent periods of rest when it is most likely to sleep. In terms of size, it resembles a courgette or aubergine, as it reaches a length of about 28 cm and a weight of about 450 grams.

The 22nd week of pregnancy, i.e. the 5th month, is the moment when the baby looks almost like a newborn. It has proportional legs and arms, a developed face with eyebrows, eyelashes and little hair. Its internal organs are functioning better and better.

22nd week of pregnancy – which month is it?

The 22nd week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 5th month, very important not only for the baby’s development, but also for the increasing contact that the baby establishes with its mother. At this time it already recognises touch, begins to sense taste. It slowly perceives sounds. It also distinguishes between light and darkness. With each day, it acquires new skills and trains its muscles. The pregnancy belly at this time becomes more and more pronounced.

22nd week of pregnancy – weight, growth, body development

In the 22nd week of pregnancy, the baby in the belly looks more and more like a newborn. It weighs more – about 350-450 grams at the beginning of the 5th month. During the ultrasound examination you can see that the foetus already has a high forehead, a characteristic vertical furrow appears between the nose and the mouth. Its eyelashes, eyebrows and fine hairs are growing. The auricles take on their final shape, and since each person has a unique ear shape, the baby is just acquiring its first individual feature. The chin is quite pointed. The neck muscles become stronger, the foetus can hold its head straight, makes faces, wrinkles its eyebrows, which can also be seen on the ultrasound image. Its skin is less and less transparent. Fat begins to accumulate underneath. The bone marrow produces more white blood cells, which make up the immune system. The pancreas, in turn, secretes insulin and glucagon, which means the body is preparing to process carbohydrates and take control of sugar levels. The liver, on the other hand, starts breaking down bilirubin, the residue left over from the breakdown of haemoglobin. In the 22nd week of pregnancy, the alveoli produce the first quantities of surfactant, a substance that gives them elasticity and protects them from bursting. The body prepares to breathe on its own.

The pregnancy belly in the 22nd week of pregnancy

In the 22nd week of pregnancy, the foetus becomes larger and larger, which is reflected in the shape of the pregnant woman’s abdomen – it is clearly rounded. The woman begins to feel discomfort due to the enlargement of the uterus, which reaches slightly below the navel. This puts pressure on the blood vessels, causing dizziness, shortness of breath during more strenuous activities and frequent urination. At the same time, the sweat glands work more intensively, which contributes to increased sweating. But this also has its advantages: The body not only cools down in this way, but also gets rid of dangerous metabolic products.

Pregnant women are pleased that the nausea subsides during this phase. However, there may be problems with swollen gums, so it is worth replacing the toothbrush with a softer one.

22nd week of pregnancy – how to take care of yourself?

Pregnancy in the 22nd week is a time when you should definitely not forget to exercise your pelvic floor muscles. Regular stretching and relaxing of the muscles prepares you for birth and can counteract the problem of urinary incontinence especially in this phase. You should also pay attention to your diet, especially the magnesium, calcium and iodine content. The B vitamins should not be forgotten either.


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