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Treatments to improve comfort during childbirth


3 min. Reading time

Every woman in labor has the right to give birth in a comfortable environment with pain-relieving methods. During labor, various treatments are also performed to improve the comfort of the birthing mother. Find out what methods are available to increase the comfort of the expectant mother during labor.

Methods to relieve labor pain

Under current law, every woman in labor is entitled to pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of labor pain relief. The first group includes, for example, epidural anesthesia. The list of non-pharmacological methods is longer, but they are not as effective as the above. Nevertheless, they significantly increase comfort during labor and are extremely important for many pregnant women. It is advisable to indicate in your birth plan and in the pre-birth discussion with the midwife that you wish to use methods of labor pain relief.

Adopt comfortable positions during childbirth

Many women pay attention to the desire to adopt a position that is comfortable for them during childbirth. Increasingly, hospitals are abandoning the horizontal position in favor of the so-called vertical position, which is designed not only to relieve labor pain but also to allow the baby a more physiological path through the birth canal. Hanging slings or bouncing balls are also often available in hospitals. It can also be helpful to have a companion with whom the birthing woman can rock or bounce. This not only provides company, but also the all-important security.


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Music and aromatherapy during birth

The comfort of the birthing can also be increased without special equipment. These include music therapy and aromatherapy. Many expectant mothers state that they feel much more comfortable in a friendly environment that transforms the hospital’s delivery room into a cozy room. This is understandable, considering how intimate the birth of a child is. It’s a good idea to bring a playlist you’ve put together yourself to the hospital and choose an aromatic oil that makes you feel calm and comfortable.

Relaxation methods and breathing

In childbirth preparation courses, too, attention is paid to proper breathing during birth. The same applies to relaxation techniques. They divert the attention of the woman giving birth from the pain of labor to controlling her breathing. Accompanied by rhythmic music, the expectant mother feels more comfortable and the birth can take place in a calmer atmosphere.

Obstetric interventions during delivery

Not all women in labor want to use exclusively non-pharmacological methods to relieve pain. Many expectant mothers seek the help of staff and medical measures that can ease their labor. The most commonly mentioned of these is the enema. Until recently, this procedure was routinely performed, but today the decision to do so always rests with the expectant mother. Many women feel more comfortable during labor and pushing after having an enema. Obstetric interventions during labor also include administration of oxytocin to increase labor and puncture of the amniotic cavity (amniotomy). This is especially important if the birth is prolonged and the woman is losing strength in labor. In addition, midwives use kerosene, for example, to protect the perineum and prevent a cut so the baby can slide more easily during birth. They also hold the baby’s head during birth to help the perineal tissue stretch more smoothly.

The list of treatments to improve comfort during birth is long. Every expectant mother should familiarize herself with the options available at each hospital and determine before the birth, for example in the birth plan, which treatments she wants to use and which she will not accept. However, it should always be kept in mind that during childbirth, the health and life of the child and the woman giving birth are of utmost importance to the staff. If either of the risks exist, they will perform the necessary medical measures.



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