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33 weeks pregnant – 6 weeks to go until birth


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The 33rd week of pregnancy is very important for the baby. His respiratory system becomes more and more efficient, but it is not enough for the baby to breathe independently in case of delivery. The attention of the future mother can be directed to new tasks. It will be mainly insomnia, which can be very troublesome.

This week is the time when the baby sleeps a lot. The lack of movement can cause the mother to become anxious. This is nothing unusual. The baby wakes up when you give him something sweet and he starts kicking again like before.

33rd week of pregnancy - what does the baby look like?

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the time when you can see your baby much more clearly on the ultrasound image. In the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby already has all the bones. They are hard and ossified. The head is flexible. It must stay like this until the day of birth. Otherwise, the baby will not fit through the birth canal. His face is now fully formed. The face can be seen on the ultrasound image. It will not change much until the birth. At the beginning of the 33rd week of pregnancy, your baby should weigh about 2 kg. The baby will then measure about 43 cm.

In the 33rd week of pregnancy, the baby's movements are very lively. The musculoskeletal system is already well developed. His respiratory system is also being formed. The lungs are being prepared to function independently. They will gain efficiency in the following weeks. The sucking reflex is being trained.

33. week of pregnancy - what month is it?

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the middle of the 8th month. This is the time when the body begins to prepare for birth. The baby is fidgeting and kicking, which often makes it impossible for the mother to get into a comfortable position. Heartburn may occur as a result of the pressure of the uterus on the digestive system. It is worth seeking the advice of experienced mothers to alleviate the discomfort and fully enjoy the time of waiting for the baby.

The future mother is also struggling with back pain. Its cause is the increased weight of the body. Due to the pressure of the uterus on the lower parts of the body, leg cramps may occur. The pain of the cramps increases especially at night. However, magnesium and calcium supplements can help relieve the discomfort, but you should always consult your doctor before taking any medication.

In the 33rd week of pregnancy, the belly of the future mother may look like a ball. The reason for this is the large amount of amniotic fluid. During this time it has the most of it.

33. week of pregnancy - birth

A newborn born in the middle of the 8th month has still undeveloped lungs, so after birth he is treated like a premature baby who needs an incubator and respiratory support. At 33 weeks gestation, preterm birth is quite common in multiple pregnancies. The newborn then receives special care to ensure the best possible conditions for development.

The 33rd week is a good moment to think about cord blood collection. It is worth weighing all the pros and cons to make this decision consciously. The collection is painless and non-invasive - for both mother and child and brings many benefits. The cost of cord blood storage is less than it seems. It is worth checking the bank's current offer and taking advantage of the promotions offered.

Stem cells from umbilical cord blood can be used for the treatment of the child from whom they were taken or his siblings. Indications for use are hematological and oncological diseases, but also autism and cerebral palsy.



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