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Pregnancy calendar

Pregnancy calendar

Here you can learn about the symptoms specific to each week of pregnancy, find out what stage of development your baby is in and how to assign a week of pregnancy to a month of pregnancy. Contrary to appearances, it is not that simple!


14th week of pregnancy - development of the baby and well-being of the mother

14th week of pregnancy – development of the baby and well-being of the mother

The 14th week of pregnancy is the time when the baby developing in the uterus begins to resemble a newborn in miniature. It is still growing intensively and very actively, but the future mother does not feel its movements yet - she has to wait a few more weeks for it. The 14th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester. Most women in the 14th week of pregnancy begin to feel much better - the discomfort of the first trimester disappears and energy returns. However, the expectant mother should not overdo her activity and remember the right dose of rest. 14th week of pregnancy - what month is it? Although the age of pregnancy is usually expressed in weeks, many expectant parents wonder what month is the 14th week. This information can be useful in different situations. Therefore, it is worth knowing that this is the 4th month and the beginning of the second trimester (more precisely, week 2). It is considered by most pregnant women as a very pleasant time to wait for the baby and prepare for motherhood. How is the baby in the 14th week of pregnancy? A child in the 14th week of pregnancy already measures around. 9 cm. Its weight is 25 g. It gets bigger and bigger every week, because the second trimester is a time of very intense development. The baby begins to resemble a newborn in miniature - its proportions change, although the head is still slightly larger than the rest of the body. The infant has developed fingers, and facial features are changing as eyes and ears slowly move into place. All of the child's internal organs are also growing and developing intensely. New neurons are being formed in the brain every day. The thyroid gland begins to secrete hormones. The internal genitals are also formed. The 14th week of pregnancy is spent in intense physical activity. This strengthens its skeletal and muscular system. In addition, the child is already able to suck his thumb, tune his face and practice swallowing. Since there is still a lot of space in the uterus, the baby's movements are not yet noticeable to the expectant mother in the 14th week of pregnancy. Therefore, their absence should not be a cause for concern. The first clear kicks will appear only in a few weeks, so it is worth being patient. Bauchumfang in der 14. Schwangerschaftswoche The size of the abdomen at 14 weeks of pregnancy is an individual matter for each woman. These are pregnant women in whom it is clearly rounded and visible. But some expectant mothers at this stage of pregnancy may still hide the fact that they are expecting a child. Everything depends on many factors: Figure, weight, genes, etc. However, it is worth starting to look for loose clothes and underwear that will not stick to the skin and do not put pressure on the belly. Complaints in the 14th week of pregnancy Most women consider the second trimester as the best time to wait for a child. During the 14th week of pregnancy, unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and drowsiness disappear. The future mother has a better mood and more energy, so she can fully enjoy her condition. Moderate physical activity, walks, outdoor activities, and professional work (all within reason and as long as your health permits) are recommended. However, you should not forget about rest and sleep. However, it also happens that unpleasant symptoms appear in the 14th week of pregnancy. A future mother may: feel back and muscle pain due to a growing uterus, have frequent nosebleeds due to mucosal congestion, feel cramps in the calves at night feel increased pressure on your bladder have trouble sleeping have an increased appetite have swelling in the legs. In turn, many women in the 14th week of pregnancy see their hair improve. They become thicker and shinier, they also stop breaking and falling out. Hormonal changes are responsible for this.
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