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HELLP syndrome – what it is, symptoms, treatment


2 min. Reading time

HELLP syndrome is one of the most dangerous complications that can occur during pregnancy. The symptoms are atypical, so a gynaecologist should be consulted for any worrying symptom. Find out about the treatment of HELLP syndrome.

HELLP syndrome – what is it?

HELLP syndrome is a syndrome that most frequently affects women in the third trimester of pregnancy. It can be associated with organ dysfunction of the liver or kidneys, among other things. It is considered a complication of high blood pressure during pregnancy and pre-eclampsia, although 20% of women who develop the syndrome do not have high blood pressure.

HELLP syndrome – symptoms

The name of the developing syndrome describes the most common symptoms, namely H – haemolysis, EL – elevated liver enzymes and LP – low platelets. The characteristic symptom of HELLP syndrome is epigastric pain. In addition, headaches, nausea or visual disturbances may occur. Acute renal failure and DIC syndrome (intravascular coagulation) may also develop.

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HELLP syndrome – Treatment

The correct diagnosis of HELLP syndrome is very important. If symptoms occur, tests such as blood count, liver values and coagulation are required. In addition, an ultrasound examination of the abdomen is recommended for epigastric pain in order to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms, such as biliary colic.

If HELLP syndrome is diagnosed, the pregnancy should be terminated as soon as possible, resulting in a caesarean section. In pregnancies before 34 weeks, the expectant mother can receive steroid therapy to accelerate foetal lung development.

HELLP syndrome – complications

The complications of HELLP syndrome can affect both the mother and the child. In the pregnant woman, eclampsia, premature detachment of the placenta or, in extreme cases, pulmonary or cerebral oedema and liver haematoma can occur. In the child, on the other hand, HELLP can lead to intrauterine growth retardation, premature birth and even death. It is important to know that women with pre-eclampsia can also develop HELLP syndrome after giving birth.



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