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The 31st week of pregnancy is a time of great preparation to welcome your baby into the world. Development of the baby in the 7th month


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At this stage of pregnancy, the mother will experience mood swings, which are completely normal at this time. She will also need to perform a series of tests. It is also a time that should be used to complete the equipment.

This week is a good time to make a decision about stem cell storage from umbilical cord blood. It is collected during birth and the whole process is safe for both the baby and the mother. It is worth discussing this with your midwife or doctor when the opportunity arises.

Week 31 - what month is it? Pregnancy symptoms in women

The 31st week of pregnancy is the 7th month of the 3rd trimester. At this time the future mother has strong mood swings. Their cause is hormonal turbulence. She should not worry about it, they are completely normal symptoms.

The baby is growing faster and faster, and the expanding uterus puts pressure on the internal organs. This can be the reason for swelling. The feet are usually the most swollen, so the mother may need bigger and more comfortable shoes. The swelling will go down soon after the birth. Water retention is a common problem for women in the last months of pregnancy.

The uterus also puts pressure on the diaphragm. The lung volume of the future mother may decrease. Therefore, she will have difficulty breathing. Shortness of breath occurs even after the slightest effort, so it is advisable to take more rest. In the 31st week of pregnancy your belly is still high.

31st week of pregnancy - movements and development of the baby

In the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby's movements become somewhat weaker. The little one still spoils mom with kicks, but not as intensively as before. This week is important for the baby's development. Now the network of connections between neurons in the brain is formed. The toddler has increasingly sharpened senses. The baby can already hear, so the mother can expect kicks as soon as it speaks.

By the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby's weight fluctuates around 1.3-1.6 kg. At this age, it can measure between 40 and even 45 cm.



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