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Is non-alcoholic beer allowed during pregnancy?


4 min. Reading time

Many expectant mothers wonder whether they can drink non-alcoholic beer. It has been known for years that there is no safe limit for alcohol consumption during pregnancy and that even the smallest amounts can cause irreversible changes in the unborn child. What happens when a woman reaches for a 0% beer? Can it also have negative consequences for the baby's development?

Is it okay to drink non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy?

Before you reach for a beer labeled as alcohol-free, you should remember that not every drink is alcohol-free.  According to Polish law, non-alcoholic beer in Poland is beer with an alcohol content of no more than 0.5% of the total volume. What does this mean? Not every non-alcoholic beer is actually 0% beer. It should be treated as low alcohol beer. The addition of alcohol is advisable so that the drink retains its characteristic taste. Meanwhile, the infant’s body is just developing and does not yet have defense mechanisms against harmful substances. Even the smallest dose of alcohol can have a toxic effect. It is also worth mentioning that the expectant mother should also be careful with other drinks. There is also a minimum alcohol content for non-alcoholic wine.

What non-alcoholic beer is suitable for pregnant women?

However, there are a growing number of beer substitutes on the market that do not contain alcohol but have a similar taste. However, the alcohol content is clearly indicated on the label as 0%. Both pregnant women and nursing mothers can turn to these drinks. As with other products in the diet, it is advisable to choose those that do not contain sugar, flavored syrup or glucose-fructose syrup. It is a good habit to check labels. The shorter the composition, the better the quality of the product. 

The expectant mother should pay attention to a balanced diet and control her weight. The proverbial eating for two is not a good habit. To effectively quench thirst, it is advisable to choose drinks that contain essential micro and macro elements, electrolytes, but also polyphenols that reduce inflammation. The best choice is, of course, water. In summer it can be enriched with ice cubes, fresh lemon juice and mint leaves. Please note that the recommended daily intake is at least 2 liters of water per day. If the expectant mother suffers from digestive problems or stomach problems, herbal teas for pregnant women are also effective. 0% beer during pregnancy can also be included in the diet, provided that it does not contain alcohol.


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Why is alcohol dangerous during pregnancy?

Every expectant mother needs to know that there is no safe minimum dose of alcohol. Even a non-alcoholic (or rather low-alcohol) beer during pregnancy can cause a miscarriage or premature birth. The baby’s body is completely defenseless, and the poison from alcohol can cause irreversible brain damage. The consequence of alcohol consumption can be ADHD, for example. Medical terminology also distinguishes between FAS (Foetal Alcohol Syndrome).

Children born to mothers who did not abstain from alcohol during pregnancy usually have a much lower birth weight and develop more slowly than their peers. After birth, a growth deficit and smaller head circumference are characteristic. As they grow, their characteristic facial features, including small eyes, as well as limb and joint deformities, become more prominent. Vision and hearing problems are often diagnosed, and the young child struggles with these throughout his or her life. Children with FAS usually have problems controlling their emotions (they often become angry and are hyperactive), have difficulty adjusting to a new environment and getting along among their peers. As a result, they are much more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety and often act impulsively during adolescence. Unfortunately, FAS is incurable, so it’s worth thinking about the consequences before the expectant mother reaches for alcohol, as well as non-alcoholic beer, which actually contains a small dose of alcohol. If you are not sure whether the chosen drink really does not contain any undesirable substances, you should refrain from consuming it.



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