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Breast pain during pregnancy


3 min. Reading time

Breast pain is considered one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. It also results in their enlargement. During pregnancy, proper breast care is necessary to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Find out what is associated with breast pain in the second half of pregnancy.

Breast pain – a pregnancy symptom?

During the nine months of pregnancy, the appearance of a woman’s breasts changes considerably. The enlargement can occur as early as the 6th week of pregnancy. This is due to the influence of hormones, especially an increase in the concentration of progesterone and oestrogen. These lead to a swelling of the follicular glands and ducts in the nipples of pregnant women. This process can cause not only breast pain during pregnancy, but also tingling or general discomfort in the area. However, these are not the only changes that occur in a woman’s mammary glands. The nodes on the nipples, called Montgomery’s nodes, also increase in size. These ensure proper lubrication of the nipple, making it easier for the baby to find the nipple when feeding. During pregnancy, the tension in the breasts themselves also increases, and on the surface of the breasts you may notice an enlargement of the veins under the skin.

Chest pain in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, there is a further increase in breast volume and tissue and glands. Even though these processes are less intense than at the beginning of pregnancy, they can still be uncomfortable for the woman. The second trimester is mainly related to the possible first discharge of the so-called colostrum from the nipples. This can already be the case between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy, especially if strong pressure is applied to the nipple. Although the discharge itself is not associated with pain, it causes considerable discomfort for most women. For this reason, the use of nursing pads is recommended when it occurs. However, particular discomfort occurs towards the end of pregnancy, when pregnant women have to deal with swollen and painful breasts. This is due, among other things, to the highest concentration of prolactin, the hormone that directly controls lactation and thus the proliferation of the mammary glands. During this time, it is especially important to choose the right bra size, which sometimes causes difficulties for expectant mothers.


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Breast care during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the breasts increase significantly in size. If they grow too quickly, stretch marks can appear. To avoid them, special attention should be paid to moisturising the skin of the breasts, e.g. with a firming serum. This can also help to combat another unpleasant symptom of stretch marks, namely itching. A gentle breast massage is also recommended to promote blood circulation and skin elasticity. To reduce the pain in the spine caused by the enlargement of the breasts, it is important to choose a suitable bra and, if necessary, not to remove it during sleep.



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