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Illnesses during pregnancy

Illnesses during pregnancy

We understand that pregnancy can be a time full of joy, but also challenges. Find out more about how you can best support yourself and your baby during this special journey and get valuable tips on how to cope with common discomforts


Pregnancy discharge - characteristics and causes

Pregnancy discharge – characteristics and causes

Discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as in the following months of pregnancy, is nothing unusual and should not worry future mothers. They protect the internal female reproductive tract and the developing fetus from infection. Physiologically, the mucus is moderate, whitish or transparent, odorless and of uniform consistency. Brown pregnancy discharge or greenish pregnancy discharge can be caused by a number of factors, both physiological and pathological. If you notice a change in the amount of discharge, odor, texture, and itching or burning, you should see a doctor. This may be the first sign of an infection within the reproductive tract, which in some cases can be dangerous to the fetus. Features and causes of pregnancy discharge The discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy should be odorless, of uniform consistency, white-transparent or slightly yellowish in color. Only the amount of secretion changes. An increase in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone leads to an increase in production. This is to increase the protective function against viruses, bacteria and fungi. White discharge during pregnancy with a cottage cheese-like consistency may indicate a fungal infection. Other symptoms of such an infection include: Redness around the vaginal outlet, itching and burning. This infection is caused by yeast. Green discharge during pregnancy as well as green-yellow foamy consistency indicate vaginal hair infection. This protozoa can cause cystitis, which is accompanied by: whitish urine, pain in the urethra during urination, burning and pinching sensations. Brown discharge during pregnancy means that the vaginal discharge is colored with blood. However, it does not necessarily mean something dangerous, so you should not panic. In early pregnancy, physiological light bleeding occurs as a result of implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall after sexual intercourse and changes in the hormonal metabolism of the body, which is preparing for the period of pregnancy and subsequent birth. After fertilization, there is a sudden increase in the concentration of progesterone, which should protect the embryo and provide it with optimal conditions for further development. However, you should never ignore the appearance of brown or bloody discharge. You should immediately consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the above-mentioned discharge. To assess the condition of the fetus, an ultrasound is first performed. Possible pathological causes of the brown discharge are: Cancer of the cervix or appendages, frontal placenta, i.e. located above the entrance of the birth canal instead of in the uterus, premature removal of the placenta and the beginning of the abortion process. In order to avoid serious complications, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and implement a resting lifestyle and appropriately selected drug therapy. The discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor indicates a bacterial infection. They are caused by aggressive bacteria. Apart from the specific odor, the color, consistency and quantity resemble the proper secretion.     Treatment of bacterial infection In any case, it is important to determine the exact cause of the infection. Depending on the diagnosis and the pathogenic microorganism, the best and safest drug therapy is selected. To determine the pathogen, tests for culture, bacteriological and mycological smears, and cytology and purity (biocenosis) of the vagina are performed. If infection threatens pregnancy, antibiotic therapy becomes necessary. Less dangerous and easier is the treatment in the first trimester of pregnancy, but it brings a number of serious complications that may come to light after the birth of the baby. To prevent infections, special attention should be paid to daily intimate hygiene and keeping the perineum clean. This can be ensured by: wearing cotton underwear that ensures good skin breathing, washing the perineal area from the vaginal outlet to the anus, avoiding tight clothing such as leggings and panties, and avoiding hot water flowing directly onto the perineum, as this can alter the vaginal pH and disrupt the natural bacterial flora. Also avoid perfumed soaps and scented toilet paper. It is good if preparations for intimate hygiene during pregnancy contain lactic acid.    
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Abdominal pain and pregnancy. What does abdominal pain in pregnancy mean and when is it a cause for concern?

Abdominal pain and pregnancy. What does abdominal pain in pregnancy mean and when is it a cause for concern?

Abdominal pain occurring during pregnancy may have a different cause and severity depending on the stage. It is usually the result of physiological changes in the woman's body, but it can also be a symptom of diseases of the urinary or gastrointestinal tract, as well as a symptom of miscarriage, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. Abdominal pain in pregnancy is almost always considered by women as a sign of danger and a cause for concern. Some pregnant women identify the pain they experience with miscarriage. However, it is important to remember that abdominal pain during pregnancy is quite common and is not always associated with a direct threat to the developing child in the womb. The pain in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy Abdominal pain in early pregnancy is usually associated with rapid changes in the female body. A rapidly growing fetus requires more and more space, so the size of the uterus increases and gradually begins to put pressure on neighboring organs such as the bladder. Swollen genitals can cause a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, mild uterine cramps, groin pain and general pain throughout the abdomen. Abdominal pain in the first few weeks of pregnancy, however, can be of particular concern, especially if it is accompanied by bleeding or spotting. During this time, there is the greatest risk of miscarriage. Do not underestimate these symptoms, but consult a specialist immediately. Characteristic stitches in the abdomen during pregnancy can also be caused by diseases of the digestive or urinary system, such as: Intestinal disorders, appendicitis or colic. In such a case, medical intervention is necessary for correct diagnosis and effective treatment. Abdominal pain during pregnancy - 2 trimester Lower back and abdominal pain during pregnancy becomes more troublesome and definitely more frequent in the second trimester. It is primarily the result of the uterus stretching in response to the baby's rapid development in the womb. At the end of this trimester, the woman may begin to feel the baby's movements, which can also contribute to the pain. However, if the abdominal pain is accompanied by hardening and increased abdominal tenderness, it may be the result of placental abruption. This is a condition that can cause hypoxia or even death of the baby. Such symptoms should be discussed with a specialist immediately. Discomfort in the abdomen due to pain may also occur with sudden changes in position, sneezing, laughing or coughing. At this time, it is worthwhile to take care of strengthening the abdominal muscles, rest and properly hydrate the body. Pain in the lower abdomen in the 9th month of pregnancy During the third trimester of pregnancy, there is still a risk of placental abruption. In addition, exercise contractions (Braxton-Hicks) may occur between 7 and 8 months. This is completely normal and a result of the decreasing space in the womb. The cramps become more pronounced as the baby grows and delivery approaches. In the second half of pregnancy, preeclampsia may also develop, which is characterized by increased blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine, causing pain in the abdomen. Preeclampsia is also associated with swelling of the face, feet, and hands, headaches, and visual disturbances, shortness of breath, and vomiting. In the last weeks before birth, the pain in the lower abdomen is much more frequent, painful and severe. This is how the body prepares for the birth of the child.     Pain in the lower abdomen - pregnancy A stitch in the abdomen during pregnancy does not always have to be a direct result of the baby's development in the womb. Often, a pregnant woman may experience discomfort during pregnancy that is unrelated to her condition and other disease processes taking place in her body. Among the non-genuine causes of abdominal pain we can distinguish, for example, appendicitis, viral inflammation of the digestive tract, intestinal obstruction or irritable bowel syndrome. These conditions may be accompanied by: Vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. In addition, abdominal pain during pregnancy can also be caused by abnormalities of the urinary tract. The inflammation that takes place there usually manifests itself as discomfort above the pubic joint. A woman may experience bladder discomfort in the form of: urgent pressure, frequent urination or burning. Pain in the abdomen - when to see a doctor? Every pregnant woman should pay special attention to her body and immediately consult a specialist in case of disturbing signals, especially if they are: The abdominal pain is accompanied by other symptoms such as bleeding or diarrhea The pain is crampy and occurs regularly The abdomen is hard and tender  
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